
This package contains files that are necessary for running STRANDS simulations on the University of Lincoln environments.

Setting up Autonomous Patrolling Simulation

  1. Calibrate charging station parameters:
  • Launch strands_datacentre: ``` roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch db_path:=/opt/strands/mongodb_store

  • Launch simulation: ``` roslaunch strands_morse aaf_sim_morse.launch

  • Launch scitos_docking: ``` roslaunch scitos_docking charging.launch

  • Drive the robot to the charging station

  • Calibrate charging parameters running: ``` rosrun scitos_docking visual_charging_client calibrate 100

  1. Insert waypoints on database:

Launching Autonomous Patrolling Simulation

If all previous steps are done launch simulation by running:

rosrun aaf_simulation start.sh


Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/aaf_deployment/blob/indigo-devel/aaf_simulation/Readme.md