
Utility package containing a node that can be used to manage twitter accounts from ROS


Install Twython via pip

$ pip install twython

or, with easy_install

$ easy_install twython

Starting Out

  • Go to and register an application

  • If the application is registered, hit the Test OAuth. Skip the two following steps.

  • Go to the settings tab and chage permitions to Read, Write and Access direct messages

  • Go back to the Details tab and at the botton hit the Create Access Token Button

  • Go to OAuth tool tab and get the Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token and Access token secret and save them on /opt/strands/strands_catkin_ws/src/strands_deployment/strands_parameters/defaults/twitter_params.yaml with the format as follows: ``` twitter: appKey: ‘’ appSecret: ‘’ oauthToken: ‘’ oauthTokenSecret: ‘’


  • Launch the mongodb_store: roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch

  • Save the parameters on your locals collection:

rosservice call /config_manager/save_param /twitter/appKey

rosservice call /config_manager/save_param /twitter/appSecret

rosservice call /config_manager/save_param /twitter/oauthToken

rosservice call /config_manager/save_param /twitter/oauthTokenSecret * Now you are ready to go!


Text Only

Run the Strands_tweets node rosrun strands_tweets

You can send a tweet by calling the /strands_tweets/Tweet service like this:

rosservice call /strands_tweets/Tweet 'Whatever you want to say' false

You can also send a tweet using the tweet_test client like this:

rosrun strands_tweets 'Whatever you want to say'

You can tweet using actions too try running:

rosrun actionlib /strands_tweets

Fill the text field with the text of your tweet and press SEND GOAL

Tweeting Images

You can tweet Images using an script especially provided for it:

rosrun strands_tweets 'text for the tweet less than a 140 characters' /path/to/an/image.png

Using strands_tweets in your code

Goal definition

strands_tweets is an action server with the following goal

#goal definition
string text
bool force
bool with_photo
sensor_msgs/Image photo
#result definition
bool success
string tweet
  • text: is a field that contains the text to be tweeted
  • force: is a boolean to tell the action server to tweet the text even if is longer than a 140 characters, on that texted it will send as many tweets as needed to send the whole string. Note: this doesn’t work when tweeting images
  • with_photo: is a boolean to tell the action server that the tweet contains an image
  • photo: is the image to be tweeted with the text when ‘with_photo’ is set to true

Using the action server (python)

  • Import the necessary modules

    import actionlib
    import strands_tweets.msg

    if using images you’ll need to import this too:

from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
  • Create action server client

    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('strands_tweets', strands_tweets.msg.SendTweetAction)

    strands_tweets is the action server name

  • Create goal definition (text only)

    tweetgoal = strands_tweets.msg.SendTweetGoal()
    tweetgoal.text = text
    tweetgoal.force = false
    tweetgoal.with_photo = False
  • Create goal definition (with image)

    tweetgoal = strands_tweets.msg.SendTweetGoal()
    tweetgoal.text = text
    tweetgoal.with_photo = True = image_from_ros_msg

    Note: the image HAS to be a ‘sensor_msgs.msg.Image’ ROS message

  • Send goal

    # Waits for the server to finish performing the action.
    # Prints out the result of executing the action
    ps = client.get_result()
    print ps
  • Where can I see an example of this?

You can check the test nodes for this code in :


Using the action server (C++)

There are no examples of this in C++ but you can use it following the steps on this Readme using the action lib API for C++ should do, following this tutorial should help

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