Topological loggind based on a white list of nodes

Due to privacy protection we might not be allowed to record certain data in specific areas. Like the east wing of AAF for example. This package contains a node, that uses the topologocal map information to trigger logging of sensitive data.


The logging is based on a so-called white list of nodes, e.g. this AAF example:

    - "Eingang"
    - "Rezeption"
    - "WayPoint2"
    - "WayPoint17"
    - "WayPoint35"

This file is in YAML format. The node has to be started with _white_list_file:=<file_name>.

It monitores the topics for the current edge and current node. Whenever the robot is at a node that is in the white list, the script publishes true, false otherwise. In addition, it uses the look-up service of topological navigation, to get the edges between these nodes. When the robot is on that edge, it also publishes true and false otherwise. Publishing rate is 30hz, can be changed with the _publishing_rate parameter.

To allow logging on all nodes and edges use:

    - "ALL"

which you can find in the conf dir.

Published are a bool and a “stamped bool” which is the custom LoggingManager.msg containing a header and a bool. The stamped bool is useful in combination with the ApproximateTimeSynchronizer. Let’s say you want to log camera images:

import rospy
import message_filters
from topological_logging_manager.msg import LoggingManager
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

class SaveImages():
    def __init__(self):

        subs = [
            message_filters.Subscriber(rospy.get_param("~rgb", "/head_xtion/rgb/image_rect_color"), Image),
            message_filters.Subscriber(rospy.get_param("~logging_manager", "/logging_manager/log_stamped"), LoggingManager),

        ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(subs, queue_size=5, slop=0.1)

    def cb(self, img, log):
        if log:

If the message is not published, the callback will not be triggered, if it publishes, you can check if recording is true or false.

The normal bool can be used as a flag for everything else.


  • white_list_file: the yaml file containing the node names
  • current_node_topic default=”/currentnode_: The topic where the current node is published
  • closest_node_topic default=”/closestnode_: The topic where the closest node is published
  • use_closest_node default=”true”: If true uses the closest node to determine if true or false. If false, only being in the influence zone of the node will give true.
  • edge_topic default=”/currentedge_: The topic where the current edge is published
  • check_topic_rate default=”1”: The rate at which the edge and node topics are checked if they are still alive.
  • publishing_rate default=”30”: Rate at which the result is published. 30 to match camera output.
  • bool_publisher_topic default=”/loggingmanager/log: The topic n which the std_msgs/Bool is published
  • bool_stamped_publisher_topic default=”/loggingmanager/log_stamped_: The topic n which the topological_logging_manager/LoggingManager is published


To ensure that this works as reliable as possible, the default should always be not to record. As mentioned above, using the “stamped bool” acheives this quite easily. To ensure that the node always publishes the correct values, it has topic monitores for the two used topics that check if they are still alive, every second. The results are published in a different thread because the edges and nodes are only published when they change. The monitores are therefore used to detect if the navigation died.

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