Observation registration server

This node provides a service which registers two observations. The service used is defined here:

string source_observation_xml
string target_observation_xml
geometry_msgs/Transform transform
int32 total_correspondences

The service returns the transform which aligns the source observation to the target observation. The underlying registration computes correspondences between pairs of images from the source and target observations from which the registration transformation is computed.

Test observation registration server

For convenience, a test routine is provided in this package which takes as input two observation xml files, calls the observation_registration_server and visualizes the registration results. To run execute:

rosrun observation_registration_server test_observation_registration XML_1 XML_2

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/strands_3d_mapping/blob/hydro-devel/observation_registration/observation_registration_server/README.md