A simple interface for the MARY TTS system. Offers a service /ros_mary and an actionlib interface /speak that accepts a simple text argument and plays the audio using PulseAudio.

  • launch it: roslaunch mary_tts ros_mary.launch
  • make the robot speak: rosservice call /ros_mary 'Welcome to the school of computer science. Please follow me!'
  • in order to use the actionlib cleint you can run rosrun actionlib axclient.py /speak
  • switching voices: rosservice call /ros_mary/set_voice "dfki-obadiah-hsmm"
  • switching languages: rosservice call /ros_mary/set_locale "en_US"

Available languages and voices: * it * None * te * None * en_US * cmu-slt-hsmm (female) * dfki-obadiah-hsmm (male) * dfki-prudence-hsmm (female) * dfki-poppy-hsmm (female) * dfki-spike-hsmm (male) * tr * None * ru * None * de * bits1-hsmm (female) * bits3-hsmm (male) * dfki-pavoque-neutral-hsmm (male) * sv * None

Installing new voices: Use strands_ui/mary_tts/marytts-5.0/bin/marytts-component-installer.sh

Trouble shooting

If you experience errors like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/hydro/lib/mary_tts/marybridge.py", line 363, in <module>
  File "/opt/ros/hydro/lib/mary_tts/marybridge.py", line 284, in play
Exception: Could not create pulse audio stream: 30873552!
[WARN] [WallTime: 1416493711.323501] mary speach action failed; maybe took too long (more than 10 seconds), maybe pulse is broke.

It means that mary was started when it could not determine which pulse resource to use. This could have multiple reasons: * mary was started remotely without logging in as the same user on the PC or robot. Only one user can access pulse on a PC. Who that user is decided by who is currently logged in. If no one is logged in then pulse is not running, therefore you have to log in to the PC before starting mary remotely. * mary was started as a different user than the one that is logged in. If user1 is logged in and user2 logs in remotely starting mary, mary won’t work because pulse is held by user1. * If you are using tmux, as done by most of the STRANDS systems, not only the two points above apply but if you start tmux via ssh with activated X forwarding, mary will try to access the pulse resource on the remote machine. try to always start the tmux session on the robot or PC that is supposed to run mary as the user that is supposed to run mary and is currently logged in. If you want to start it remotely, make sure not to use X forwarding.

If MARY server is only binding to IP6, you can force it to bind to IP4 (from http://superuser.com/a/453329):

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/strands_ui/blob/hydro-devel/mary_tts/README.md