Using the Strands Navigation System

The strands navigation system is composed by three layers of components:

  • Action Layer: The action layer is where all the navigation actions that the robot could use are, in other words, in this layer you will find the actions that move the robot in the environment, these action could be for example Docking or Undocking, Door passing or move base.
  • Monitored Navigation Layer : This layer monitors the actions in the action layer and in case of failure it can activate specific recovery behaviours.
  • Topological Navigation Layer : This layer connects the different locations in the environment by means of navigation actions and the topology of the environment, to do so it use an occupancy grid map and a topological map that defines locations in the space where the robot can navigate to and the means to reach such locations.

The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to setup a working navigation system, from creating the occupancy grid map to set up the topological navigation system.

Creating occupancy grid map

For creating the map we are going to use gmapping, however you can use maps created with other methods. We are going to see a first example using a simulation.

  1. The first step is to launch a simulation, for convenience there is a tmux script in the lamor_bringup package, to run it execute: rosrun lamor_bringup

  2. Once this is started switch to tab 2 (ctrl+ b + 2) and press enter, this will open a screen like this: Sim Screen shot

    Please note that the robot is on the charging station, this is not a coincidence, it is to have all maps zeroed in the charging station.

  3. the next step is to start gmapping, open a new tab and run: rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping

  4. run Rviz, rviz Rviz shot

  5. click on the morse window and use arrows to navigate the robot, you should see in rviz how the map is being created: Rviz shot

  6. Once you are happy with your map, you can save it running rosrun map_server map_saver this will create map.pgm and map.yaml files, but you will notice that this map might be a bit too big fro your liking, you can solve this problem by running rosrun map_server crop_map map.yaml this will create cropped.pgm and cropped.yaml the final result should look something like this map you can rename your map as you wish, but don’t forget that the image field in the yaml file must correspond to the name (and path if you wish) of your map image.

Creating the Topological Map

RViz can be used to edit topological maps on system runtime, one easy way of creating a map is inserting a basic topological map and editing it using RViz. The Following steps will guide through this process.

  1. It is necessary to insert a basic map in the DB and run the navigation system based on it: rosrun topological_utils $(rospack find topological_utils)/support/empty.tmap topological_map_name environment_name
  2. Once this is done you can run Rviz, rosrun rviz rviz and create two marker array interfaces /topological_node_zones_array and /topological_edges_array optionally an additional marker array interface can be created /topological_nodes_array. This will allow the visualization of the topological map.
  3. After this the map can be edited using interactive markers:
  • Adding Nodes: for this objective there is one interactive marker topic called /name_of_your_map/add_rm_node/update that will put a green box on top of the robot. Drive the robot where you want to add a new node and press on the green box that will add a node there connected to all close by nodes by a move_base action.
  • Editing Node Position: with /name_of_your_map_markers/update it is possible to move the waypoints around and change their final goal orientation.
  • Removing Unnecessary Edges: to remove edges there is another marker /name_of_your_map_edges/update that will allow you to remove edges by pressing on the red arrows.
  • Change the Influence Zones: Finally it is possible to change the influence zones with /name_of_your_map_zones/update and moving the vertices of such zones around.

Creating the topological map in simulation

  1. Run the tmux script tab by tab until tab 3 rosrun lamor_bringup
  2. Afterwards run: roslaunch topological_utils create_topological_map.launch met_map:=bandl top_map:=bl_sim or alternatevely you can insert the empty map and run rosrun lamor_bringup Tabs 0, 1, 2, 4

Local metric map / semantic map


This set of nodes allows the creation, calibration, storage and querying of local metric maps as well as the detected dynamic elements. Recorded data is stored in ~/.semanticMap/ and the number of observations stored for each waypoint can be specified as a launch file parameter, as well as whether the observations should be stored in mongodb. Detailed information about how the individual nodes function, input/output topics and a parameters can be found in the corresponding readme files.

You cannot run this part of the tutorial in *fast-mode* (wireframe) simulation. You need the full simulation. Please either work with someone who has it running or use the provided desktop machines

  • Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-semantic-map-launcher
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-metaroom-xml-parser
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-scitos-ptu

Also, please create the following folder (this folder should be created automatically, however as a precaution please create it yourself):

mkdir ~/.semanticMap/
  • Run dependencies:

Please make sure you are still running the components from the previous tutorial (mongo_db, simulator or robot, 2d_navigation, topological navigation, head_camera, etc). In addition, please start:

rosrun scitos_ptu
  • if you are running in simulation, you need to emulate the RGBD cameras correctly using this command (note that you cannot run the local metric mapping if you are using the fast-mode (wireframe) simulation, as you won’t have the camera topics needed):
roslaunch strands_morse generate_camera_topics.launch
  • System nodes (note that this command starts all the relevant nodes, and you should not start any other nodes when moving on to the next sections):
roslaunch semantic_map_launcher semantic_map.launch

Doing a metric sweep (package cloud_merge)

The underlying data used by the nodes in this package is obtained by performing a sweep of the Pan-Tilt Unit and collecting RGBD data at a number of positions during the sweep.

rosrun cloud_merge

roslaunch cloud_merge cloud_merge.launch

rosrun scitos_ptu

Prior to starting a sweep, please make sure you are well localized on the map (you can do this by looking at your robot’s position in Rviz). To start a sweep use the do_sweep action server:

rosrun actionlib /do_sweep

This action server takes as input a string, with the following values defined: complete, medium, short, shortest. Internally the action server from scitos_ptu called is used, so make sure that is running.

The behavior is the following:

  • If sweep type is complete, the sweep is started with parameters -160 20 160 -30 30 30 -> 51 positions
  • If sweep type is medium, the sweep is started with parameters -160 20 160 -30 30 -30 -> 17 positions
  • If sweep type is short, the sweep is started with parameters -160 40 160 -30 30 -30 -> 9 positions
  • If sweep type is shortest, the sweep is started with parameters -160 60 140 -30 30 -30 -> 6 positions (there might be blank areas with this sweep type, depending on the environment).

The cloud_merge_node acquires data from the RGBD sensor, as the PTU unit does a sweep, stopping at various positions. As the PTU stops at a position, a number of RGBD frames are collected and averaged, with the purpose of reducing noise. Each one of these frames are converted to the global frame of reference, and merged together to form an observation point cloud, which is further processed by the semantic_map semantic_map_node.

If the sweep intermediate positions have been calibrated (using the calibrate_sweeps calibrate_sweep_as action server) and the parameter register_and_correct_sweep is set to true, the collected sweeps are also registered. Note that this registration is for the intermediate point clouds making up the sweep, and not between two sweeps.

The observations are stored on the disk, in the folder


The acquired observations are indexed according to the waypoint at which the sweeps were performed. This information is acquired on the topic /current_node, published by the topolofi

Intermediate cloud calibration (package calibrate_sweeps)

As described earlier, each observation consists of a number of point clouds acquired at intermediate positions during a sweep. However, the exact pose of the camera optical center (camera frame of reference) with respect to the body of the robot (the odometry frame of reference) is not known exactly apriori, and hence when merging together the intermediate clouds misalignment errors often occur. To account for this, a calibration procedure has been developed that considers data from all observations of a particular type recorded so far.

rosrun calibrate_sweeps calibrate_sweep_as

To start the calibration procedure, call:

rosrun actionlib /calibrate_sweeps

The calibration process uses only observations recorded with the type complete if using the action server from the cloud_merge package, i.e. with 51 positions.

If using the action server from the scitos_ptu package to record observations, the parameters are -160 20 160 -30 30 30.

Sweeps recorded with different parameters are ignored for the calibration. For registration, sweeps with different parameters are also processed if their parameters are a subset of the complete sweep type parameters (e.g. comlpete sweep type parameters are -160 20 160 -30 30 30; an example subset of those would be -160 40 160 -30 30 30, i.e. fewer pan stops).

The calibration results are saved in ~/.ros/semanticMap. These are:

  • registration_transforms.txt the result of the 51 transforms for the intermediate poses.
  • registration_transforms_raw.txt legacy - contains the same data as above in a different format, needed by the strands_sweep_registration package.
  • camera_params.txt contains the optimized camera parameters. This is currently disabled, and the stored camera parameters should be the same as the input camera parameters.
  • sweep_paramters.txt the sweep parameters used by the calibration (-160 20 160 -30 30 30)

Metarooms and dynamic clusters (package semantic_map)

A meta-room contains only those parts of the scene which are observed to be static, and it is created incrementally as the robot re-observes the same location over time. Over time, as the robot visits the same location multiple times, the static part is modelled, and it is used to extract what is dynamic from subsequent observations.

This package takes room observations as they are constructed by the cloud_merge package and extracts the corresponding metaroom and also computes dynamic clusters at each waypoint. Note that one metaroom is constructed for each waypoint.

Some data is stored on the disk, in the folder

roslaunch semantic_map semantic_map.launch

Once a new sweep has been performed at a waypoint, the corresponding metaroom is loaded (if it exists, otherwise a metaroom is initialized with the new observation), and it is used to extract the dynamic clusters/objects at that waypoint.

The NDT algorithm is used to register obseravtions taken at the same waypoint together. The initial guess is provided by the AMCL robot pose, however, depending on the scene, the amount of changes between observations and sensor noise, sometimes the observations are poorly registered, resulting in poor dynamic clusters. One alternative in that case is to reset the metarooms, using the service described in the next section.

This service resets the metarooms at specific waypoints.

Message type:

string[] waypoint_id
bool initialize

If initialize is set to True, the Meta-Rooms at the specific waypoints are re-initialized with the latest observations collected at those waypoints. Otherwise, the Meta-Rooms are just deleted.

The default behavior of this node is to return all the dynamic clusters in an observation, as compared to the corresponding metaroom. However, sometimes this may mean a lot of information, and for that the parameter newest_dynamic_clusters is provided (default value False) - if set to True, the node will compute dynamic clusters by comparing the latest sweep with the previous one (as opposed to comparing the latest sweep to the metaroom), thus reporting only the latest dynamic clusters.

Requesting dynamic clusters (package object_manager)

This package allows interaction with the dynamic clusters segmented by the semantic_map package

rosrun object_manager object_manager_node

Message tpe:

string waypoint_id
string[] object_id
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2[] objects
geometry_msgs/Point[] centroids

Given a waypoint id, this service returns all the dynamic clusters segmented at that waypoint, with their ids, point clouds and centroid.

Service topic: ObjectManager/DynamicObjectsService

The point cloud corresponding to all the dynamic clusters is also published on the topic "/object_manager/objects

Message type:

string waypoint_id
string object_id
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 object_cloud
int32[] object_mask
geometry_msgs/Transform transform_to_map
int32 pan_angle
int32 tilt_angle

Given a waypoint id and a cluster id (should correspond to the ids received after calling the DynamicObjectsService), this service returns the point cloud corresponding to that dynamic cluster in the camera frame of reference and a transform to get the point cloud in the map frame of refence. In addition, a set of angles (pan_angle, and tilt_angle) to which to turn the PTU, and a set of indices representing image pixels corresponding to the dynamic cluster in the image obtained after turning the PTU to the specified angles. After calling this service, the requested dynamic cluster is “selected”, and after receiving the start_viewing mesasge on the object_learning/status topic, additional views received on the /object_learning/object_view topic will be added and logged together with this cluster.

Service topic: ObjectManager/GetDynamicObjectService

The point cloud corresponding to the requested dynamic cluster is also published on the topic /object_manager/requested_object.

The cluster mask is also published as an image on the topic: /object_manager/requested_object_mask

Note that the clusters are logged to the database when calling the DynamicObjectsService or the GetDynamicObjectService (if the log_to_db argument is set to True). Calling these services multiple times does not affect (negatively) the logging.

Accessing observation data online (package semantic_map_publisher)

This package provides an interface to observation data previously recorded and stored on the disk. The data can be queried using the services described below (note that only some of the services available are described below; for more information please refer to the package description).

rosrun semantic_map_publisher semantic_map_publisher

Message type:

string[] waypoint_id
int32[] observation_count

Returns a list of waypoints along with the number of observations collected at those waypoints.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/WaypointInfoService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
float64 resolution
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud

Given a waypoint, and a resolution, this service returns the latest observation collected at that waypoint as a PointCloud with the specified resolution.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
string[] waypoint_timestamps

Given a waypoint, this service returns the timestamps of all the observations collected at that waypoint, as a list.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/WaypointTimestampService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
int64 instance_number # convention 0 - oldest available
float64 resolution
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud
string observation_timestamp

Given a waypoint id, an instance number and a resolution, this service returns a particular instance from the observations collected at that particular waypoint, with the desired resolution, along with the timestamp of the observation (as opposed to ObservationService which returns the latest observation at that particular waypoint). Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationInstanceService

Accessing data stored on the disk (package metaroom_xml_parser)

The metaroom_xml_parser package is used to parse previously saved room observations. The data will be read into an appropriate data structure containing: merged point cloud, individual point clouds, individual RGB and depth images and corresponding camera parameters.


A number of utilities are provided by this package, for easy data manipulation. The definitions can be seen in the file load_utilities.h

Merged cloud utilities

The complete cloud datatype is:

template <class PointType> boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<PointType>>

The utilities for loading only the merged cloud are: * loadMergedCloudFromSingleSweep # returns one cloud * loadMergedCloudFromMultipleSweeps # returns a vector of merged clouds, one for each sweep * loadMergedCloudForTopologicalWaypoint # same as above

Intermediate cloud utilities

The intermediate cloud datatype is:

template <class PointType>
struct IntermediateCloudCompleteData
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<PointType>>>  vIntermediateRoomClouds;
    std::vector<tf::StampedTransform>                           vIntermediateRoomCloudTransforms;
    std::vector<image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel>             vIntermediateRoomCloudCamParams;
    std::vector<cv::Mat>                                        vIntermediateRGBImages; // type CV_8UC3
    std::vector<cv::Mat>                                        vIntermediateDepthImages; // type CV_16UC1

The utilities for loading the intermediate clouds are: * loadIntermediateCloudsFromSingleSweep # just the point clouds * loadIntermediateCloudsCompleteDataFromSingleSweep # complete data, with transforms and images * loadIntermediateCloudsFromMultipleSweeps * loadIntermediateCloudsCompleteDataFromMultipleSweeps * loadIntermediateCloudsForTopologicalWaypoint * loadIntermediateCloudsCompleteDataForTopologicalWaypoint

Sweep XML utilities

The sweep XML is an std::string

The utilities for finding sweep XMLS are: * getSweepXmls # takes a folder where to search as argument. Returns a vector<string> * getSweepXmlsForTopologicalWaypoint

Dynamic cluster utilities

The dynamic clusters type is:

template <class PointType> std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<PointType>>>

The dynamic cluster utilities are: * loadDynamicClustersFromSingleSweep * loadDynamicClustersFromMultipleSweeps * loadDynamicClustersForTopologicalWaypoint

Data collected so far in Strands and available online

A number of datasets (in the formats described above) have been collected during Strands and made publicly available. For more information look at:

Debugging / troubleshooting

If for some reason (i.e. poor registration) the meta-rooms have diverged, the reported dynamic clusters will not be correct. In that case, use the ClearMetaroomService service to reset the meta-rooms:

This service resets the Meta-Rooms at specific waypoints.

Message type:

string[] waypoint_id
bool initialize

If initialize is set to True, the Meta-Rooms at the specific waypoints are re-initialized with the latest observations collected at those waypoints. Otherwise, the Meta-Rooms are just deleted.

In case there are issues (i.e. nodes crashing) and restarting the nodes does not solve the problems, you can try deleting the data stored in ~/.semanticMap. Note that this operation cannot be undone, and that data will be lost (if you want to keep that data be sure to move it somewhere else).

If the issues are still not solved, delete the data logged in mongo_db in the metric_maps database (using e.g. robomongo).

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