roslaunch_axserver: Running roslaunch files via the actionlib interface

goal definition

This component allows to launch ROS launch files via an actionlib server. A simple goal (of type launchServerGoal) would look like this:

pkg: 'strands_morse'
launch_file: 'uol_mht_nav2d.launch'
monitored_topics: ['/map']

this would launch the launch file uol_mht_nav2d.launch in package strands_morse.

monitoring the roslaunch process

The action server implements a monitor thread that will provide feedback on the actionlib feedback channel as a boolean (parameter ready in the feedback), indicating if all the topics given via monitored_topics (in the example above just one: /map) are actually advertised. This allows to wait until all components have been launched. If monitored_topics is empty, the feedback is always ready=True.

state transitions

The goal status will be set ACTIVE when it was possible to launch a roslaunch process (and will be REJECTED if this was not possible). If the roslaunch process terminates with an error (e.g. when the given roslaunch file doesn’t exist), the goal is set to ABORTED. If the roslaunch process terminates successfully, then the goal is set to SUCCESS (usually, we will never see this, as the roslaunch process will likely be running until we actively preempt it).

using in Python

In order to use this in your code, include something like the following in your python code:

import rospy
import roslaunch_axserver.msg
import actionlib


    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('launchServer', roslaunch_axserver.msg.launchAction)

    # Waits until the action server has started up and started
    # listening for goals.

    # Creates a goal to send to the action server.
    goal = roslaunch_axserver.msg.launchGoal(pkg='pkg', launch_file='filename', monitored_topics=[])

    # Sends the goal to the action server.

The server is reentrant, meaning that you can run several roslaunch processes in parallel (not a SimpleActionServer)

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