
This package provides an interface to observation data previously recorded and stored on the disk. The data can be queried using the services described below.


Message type:

string[] waypoint_id
int32[] observation_count

Returns a list of waypoints along with the number of observations collected at those waypoints.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/WaypointInfoService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
geometry_msgs/Vector3 origin

Given a waypoint this service returns the origin from where the latest observation was acquired at that waypoint.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/SensorOriginService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
float64 resolution
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud

Given a waypoint, and a resolution, this service returns the latest observation collected at that waypoint as a PointCloud with the specified resolution.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
float64 resolution
octomap_msgs/Octomap octomap

Same as ObservationService but returns the latest observation as an Octomap.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationOctomapService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
string[] waypoint_timestamps

Given a waypoint, this service returns the timestamps of all the observations collected at that waypoint, as a list.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/WaypointTimestampService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
int64 instance_number # convention 0 - oldest available
float64 resolution
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud
string observation_timestamp

Given a waypoint id, an instance number and a resolution, this service returns a particular instance from the observations collected at that particular waypoint, with the desired resolution, along with the timestamp of the observation (as opposed to ObservationService which returns the latest observation at that particular waypoint). Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationInstanceService


Message type:

string waypoint_id
int64 instance_number # convention 0 - oldest available
float64 resolution
octomap_msgs/Octomap octomap
string observation_timestamp

Same as ObservationInstanceService, but returns the observation instance as an Octomap.

Service name: SemanticMapPublisher/ObservationOctomapInstanceService

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