Additional view registration

This package provides services for the registration of additional views of an object. The services are defined here.

  • ObjectAdditionalViewRegistrationService
string observation_xml # can be blank
string object_xml
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_view_transforms
int32[] additional_view_correspondences
geometry_msgs/Transform observation_transform
int32 observation_correspondences
  • AdditionalViewRegistrationService
string observation_xml # can be blank
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2[] additional_views
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_views_odometry_transforms
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_view_transforms
int32[] additional_view_correspondences
geometry_msgs/Transform observation_transform
int32 observation_correspondences

Two interfaces are provides: the first takes as input an object_xml file which points to the additional views acquired by the robot (loaded with the `metaroom_xml_parser <>`__), while the second one takes as input directly the additional views and the initial odometry poses. Note that the system will attempt registration even when the odometry transforms are not available, however in general the results are exepcted to be worse. Both interfaces take as input a second parameter observation_xml which points to an observation that the additional views should be registered to.

The result is stored in additional_view_transforms - corresponding to the transforms which align the views with each other, along with additional_view_correspondences denoting the number of SIFT correspondences used to compute the transforms. Similary, observation_transform stores the transform which aligns the additional views to the observation, and observation_correspondences denotes the number of correspondences used to compute it.

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