SOMA Trajectory

SOMA Trajectory is a package to query and display human trajectories. It includes a simple visual interface to query spatio-temporal constraints.


  • MongoDB (>=2.6)
  • mongodb_store
  • pymongo
  • shapely

Getting started (general steps)

  1. Start the ros core:

    $ roscore
  2. Launch the ROS datacentre:

    $ roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch db_path:=<path_to_db>

SOMA map manager

  1. Run the soma map manager for storing, reading and publishing 2D map. Running this node is essential for running the robot_state_viewer_node: $ rosrun soma_map_manager --mapname <map_name> If there are any stored 2D occupancy maps in the datacentre then map manager will let you choose the map to be published or you can input the name of the stored map as an argument as <map_name>. If not, it will wait for map_server. Run the map_server with a 2D map: $ rosrun map_server map_server <map.yaml> where map.yaml specifies the map you want to load. After running the map_server, you should save the published map using the soma map manager.

  2. If you want to check the published map, start RVIZ, add a Map display type and subscribe to the soma/map topic:

    $ rosrun rviz rviz

SOMA Trajectory Visualizer

You can run the visualizer by calling rosrun soma_trajectory and rosrun soma_trajectory

  1. Add an InteractiveMarkers display type in RVIZ and subscribe to the soma_trajectory topic. Trajectories will appear once the query submit button on the visualisation is pressed.
  2. Run rviz to display the results of the queries. You can choose the time interval to be inspected in terms of hours from the hour the first trajectory obtained to the hour the last trajectory obtained. You can also execute temporal periodic queries by setting days of the week, and hours of a day. Whenever a checkbox inside the temporal peridic query is ticked, the regular query with the time interval will be ignored. A simple analysis is displayed in the message box in the bottom of the visualiser for each query.


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