Upper Body Detector

This package detects the upper bodies of persons using the depth image.


Parameters: * load_params_from_file default = true: false tries to read parameters from datacentre, true reads parameters from YAML file specified by config_file * config_file default = :math:`(find upper_body_detector)/config/upper_body_detector.yaml_: The config file containing all the essential parameters. Only used if `load_params_from_file == true`. * `template_file` _default = `(find upperbody_detector)/config/upper_body_template.yaml_: The upper body template file. Read from the database if load_params_from_file == true. * machine default = localhost: Determines on which machine this node should run. * user default = “”: The user used for the ssh connection if machine is not localhost. * queue_size default = 20: The synchronisation queue size * config_file default = “”: The global config file. Can be found in strands_upper_bodydetector/config * template_file default = “”: The template file. Can be found in config. * camera_namespace default = /headxtion_: The camera namespace. * depth_image default = /depth/imagerect_: camera_namespace + depth_image = depth image topic * rgb_image default = /rgb/imagerect_color_: camera_namespace + rgb_image = rgb image topic * camera_info_depth default = /depth/camerainfo_: camera_namespace + camera_info_depth = depth camera info topic * ground_plane default = /groundplane_: The estimated/fixed ground plane * upper_body_detections default = /upperbody_detector/detections_: The deteced upper bodies * upper_body_bb_centres default = /upperbody_detector/bounding_box_centres_: Publishing a pose array of the centres of the bounding boxes * upper_body_image default = /upperbody_detector/image_: The resulting image showing the detections as a boundingbox * `upper_body_markers default = /upper_body_detector/marker_array_: A visualisation array for rviz


rosrun upper_body_detector upper_body_detector [_parameter_name:=value]


roslaunch upper_body_detector upper_body_detector.launch [parameter_name:=value]

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/strands_perception_people/blob/indigo-devel/upper_body_detector/README.md