MHT building lecturer office

This dataset contains depth images captured by a stationary Asus Xtion sensor located in a small lecturer office in the University of Lincoln. The sensor captures a depth image every 5 seconds since April 2014 and the depth data are compressed and uploaded automatically every day. The data is recorded simply as a stream of 320x240x16b images. To convert them to ROS-compatible image_raw format, you will need to use the convert_raw utility, which is part of the froctomap package.

image2 image3
Typical afternoon depth map. Typical midnight depth map.

Dataset structure and download

The depth images, organised in chunks of one-day length are here. Each zip archive contains a xx.3D file with the depth image taked every 5 seconds and a xx.1D file that contains timestamps and distance of central pixel of the depth image taken at 30Hz. The date and time, encoded in the file name, denote the moment when the data collection started. Note that since a frame is captured every 5 seconds, the first frame of 2016-02-25_23:59:56.3D file is actually taken at midnight Feb 26 2016. The dataset collection terminated on May 2016, when the room started to be occupied by another researcher.

To obtain ROS-compatible depth data stream, unzip the downloaded file, and use the convert_raw utility, which is part of the froctomap package. Calling rosrun froctomap convert_raw xxx.3D will publish the depth images on the /camera/depth/image_raw topic with the timestamp from the data collection time. To modify the timestamp to the current time, simply do the changes aroung line 97 of convert_raw.cpp.

Conditions of use

If you use the dataset for your research, please cite our paper that describes it. We attached a bibtex record for your convenience.

This dataset is part of the larger LCAS-STRANDS long-term dataset collection.

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