Author: Adrià Gallart del Burgo

Co-author: Balasubramanian Rajasekaran, Akshaya Thippur

Emails: bara@kth.se, akshaya@kth.se

3D Annotation Tool is an application designed to annotate objects in a point cloud scene. Initially, it was developed with the aim to annotate the objects of a table.


  • data: folder that contains some examples of .pcd files and annotations (.xml file).
  • documentation: folder that contains the user guide.
  • icons: folder with all the icons used.
  • src: this folder contains the source code.
  • annotation_tool.pro: QtCreator project file.
  • CMakeLists.txt: instructions for the installation.
  • README.txt: readme file.
  • info_app.xml: .xml file with information used for the application.
  • info_objects.xml: .xml file with the list of objects annotated by the user.

System requirements

3D Annotation Tool requires installation of the ROS Indigo and catkin as prerequisites.

If (ros-indigo-desktop-full) is installed in your machine, you can proceed with the installation of the 3D Annotation Tool.

Else, make sure the following packages are installed

  1. Install the catkin library: sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-catkin
  2. Make sure that the pcl package is installed: sudo apt-get install libpcl-1.7-all-dev
  3. Install the vtk-qt library: sudo apt-get install libvtk5.8-qt4


To install the annotation tool:

With catkin:

  1. Git clone or extract the files into your catkin workspace (/catkin_workspace_path/src/3d_annotation_tool/)
  2. cd /catkin_workspace_path/
  3. catkin_make

Using the tool

To use the annotation tool:

With catkin:

  1. cd /catkin_workspace_path/devel/lib/3d_annotation_tool/
  2. cd annotation-tool
  3. ./Annotation_tool

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/annotation_tool_kth/blob/master/annotation-tool/README.md