
This package uses the primitive_extraction package to extract planes and determines which of the planes are tables based on size, angle with respect to floor, shape and height above floor. A list of detected tables is kept locally and in the mongodb_store and new tables overlapping with old ones are merged by finding the common convex hull. All currently found tables can be found by querying all strands_perception_msgs/Table from the mongodb_store.

The table detection is launched by:

roslaunch table_detection detection.launch cloud:=/pointcloud2/topic,

where /pointcloud2/topic is a point cloud in the frame of reference of a global map. Currently, the package outputs three visualization topics in RViz:

  • /primitive_extraction/primitive_marker_array - All detected planes from the last processed point cloud as visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.
  • /table_detection/primitive_marker_array - All detected tables from the last processed point cloud as visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.
  • /primitives_to_tables/table_markers - Tracked tables that have been determined to be new instances or merged with an old one, published as visualization_msgs/Marker.

The launch file has a bunch of options and parameters, notably for determining what is a table:

  • min_height - Minimum height of a table plane.
  • max_height - Maximum height of a table plane.
  • max_angle - Maximum deviation of table normal from straight up.
  • min_side_ratio - Minimum ratio of shortest side divided by longest side.
  • min_area - Minimum area of table plane.

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