
rosrun multiview_object_recognizer multiview_object_recognizer_node -m /path/to/your/models/ [--optional_parameter p]

params (see extended help output with -h):

  • models_dir [in] - Directory containing the object models (REQUIRED)
  • do_sift [in] - if true, does SIFT feature matching
  • do_shot [in] - if true, does SHOT feature matching
  • chop_z [in] - cut of distance in meters with respect to the camera coordinate system
  • compute_mst [in] - if true, does point cloud registration by SIFT background matching (given scene_to_scene == true), by using given pose (if use_robot_pose == true) and by common object hypotheses (if hyp_to_hyp == true) from all the possible connection a Mimimum Spanning Tree is computed. If false, it only uses the given pose for each point cloud. The given pose can be extracted from the .pcd’s header fields sensor_origin and sensor_orientation or from the extracted camera pose e.g. from the camera_tracker package
  • scene_to_scene [in] - if true, estimates relative camera transform between two viewpoints using SIFT background matching
  • use_go3d [in] - if true, verifies against a reconstructed scene from multiple viewpoints. Otherwise only against the current viewpoint.
  • cg_size_thresh [in] - minimum number of feature corrrespondences neccessary to generate an object hypothesis (low number increases recall and compuation time, high number increases precision)
  • hv_color_sigma_l [in] - maximum allowed standard deviation of the luminance color (L channel in LAB color space) for points for generated object hypotheses and scene (low number increases precision, high number increases recall)
  • hv_color_sigma_ab [in] - maximum allowed standard deviation of the luminance color (AB channels in LAB color space) for points for generated object hypotheses and scene (low number increases precision, high number increases recall)
  • max_vertices_in_graph [in] - maximum number of view points taken into account by the multi-view recognizer
  • transfer_feature_matches [in] - defines the method used for transferring information from other viewpoints (1 = keypoint correspondences (Faeulhammer ea., ICRA2015 paper); 0 = full hypotheses only (Faeulhammer ea., MVA2015 paper))
  • distance_keypoints_get_discarded [in] - defines the squared distance [m²] for keypoints to be considered the same. This avoids redundant keypoints when transformed from other view points (only used for extension_mode=0)

further description of parameters in the example object_recognizer_multiview in V4R/samples


rosrun multiview_object_recognizer test_multiview_object_recognizer_node [_optional_parameter:=p]


  • input_method[in] (default: 0) - 0=camera input; 1 = input from disk
  • topic[in] (default: /camera/depth_registered/points) - camera topic being used when input_method=0
  • directory[in] - directory being used to read test .pcd files when input_method=1

Object models and test scenes can be obtained from To model your own objects have a look at


  • [Thomas Fäulhammer, Aitor Aldoma, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze, Temporal Integration of Feature Correspondences For Enhanced Recognition in Cluttered And Dynamic Environments, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015]
  • [Thomas Fäulhammer, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze, Multi-View Hypotheses Transfer for Enhanced Object Recognition in Clutter, IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2015]

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