
Rviz tool for creating a STRANDS topological map


This rviz toolset can be launched using

roslaunch topological_rviz_tools strands_rviz_topmap.launch map:=/path/to/map.yaml topmap:=topmap_pointset db_path:=/path/to/db standalone:=true

map specifies the yaml file for the map you are using, and topmap the corresponding pointset that exists in the database. db_path is used to point to the database you want to use. If standalone is true, everything needed will be run automatically. If false, it is assumed that other parts of the strands system are running (navigation and mongodb_store in particular), and only run a few additional things.

You can also add the node tool, edge tool and topological map panel to rviz individually by using the buttons for adding tools or panels. You will need to run the above launch file with standalone=false for this to work correctly.

When you launch with a database which contains a topological map, you should see something like the following:

Annotated rviz\_tools image

Annotated rviz_tools image

You can move nodes around by clicking the arrow at the centre of topological nodes and dragging. The ring around the node allows you to change the orientation of the node. You can delete edges using the red arrows in the middle of edges.

The following sections give a little more detail about to tools and panel labelled in the image above.

1. The edge tool

Use this tool to create edges between nodes. Left click to select the start point of the edge, then click again to create an edge. The edge will be created between the nodes closest to the two clicks, but only if there are nodes within some distance of the clicks. Left clicking will create a bidirectional edge, whereas right clicking will create an edge only from the node closest to the first click to the second one. This tool stays on until you press escape.

The shortcut is e.

2. The node tool

This tool allows you to add nodes to the topological map. Click the tool and then click on the map to add a node in that location. Edges will automatically be added between the new node and any nodes in close proximity.

The shortcut is n.

3. Add tag button

This button allows you to add tags to nodes. You can select multiple nodes, and the tag you enter in the dialog box will be added to all of them.

4. Remove button

With this button, you can remove edges, tags, and nodes from the topological map. You can select multiple elements and they will all be removed at once.

5. Topological map panel

You can see all the elements of the topological map here. You can edit the following elements:

  • Node name
  • Node pose
  • Node tags
  • Node yaw tolerance
  • Node xy tolerance
  • Edge action
  • Edge velocity

Ctrl-click allows you to select multiple distinct elements. Shift-click will select elements between the previously selected element and the current one.

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