Visualise speech package

This package provides a control node for the head lights of the robot to compensate for the fact that it does not have a mouth for speaker identification. At the current stage the node uses pulseaudio to read the output levels of the soundcard and translates this to control commands for the head lights. The louder the more lights are illuminated.


  • make sure that the submodules are there before running catkin_make
  • cd strands_hri
  • git submodule init
  • git submodule update


Cannot be run remotely. Needs to access the robots hardware.

This node is a action server and needs a goal to start doing anything. The only parameter of the goal is the runtime of the system: * seconds: run time in seconds. 0 for infinite (until preempted)

Run with: rosrun strands_visualise_speech or better: have a look at the strands_hri_utils package to run together with the convenience action server provided in there.

Troubleshooting: * The audio grabber assumes that your sound sink is called alsa_output.usb-Burr-Brown_from_TI_USB_Audio_CODEC-00-CODEC.analog-stereo if it is not, the node won’t do anything. You can check if the name is correct by looking at the output. The node will list all available sinks when started. Re-run the node with the parameter _sink_name:=<your sink>. If the output states: setting up peak recording using <your sink name> it is configured correctly. * If the programme states Connection failed, make sure that no other user is logged in, hogging the sound resource.

Problems: * The light control is very slow and therefore the lights are a bit delayed. * The publish rate had to be artificially reduced to 4hz because it would otherwise interfer with all the hardware control commands.

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