
This package provides an rqt_robot_dashboard for the Scitos robot. The dashboard displays motor and battery status, and allows the motors to be stopped or free-run enabled.


This should not require any additional packages to be installed…


On your off-robot pc:

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://bob:11311   # or not-bob
rosrun scitos_dashboard scitos_dashboard

This brings up a small dashboard window, which is an rqt docking pane:



From left to right, the widgets are: * Diagnostics: this provides information about the hardware of the robot - see for info. * ROS Console: provides a view of all ros console (INFO, DEBUG, WARN etc) messages, with optional filters - see * Motor Status: Clicking this allows you to select free run, or stop the motors. If it is green, then the robot is ok to drive but can’t be pushed; if it is yellow then it is in free run and can be pushed; if it is red then the motor stop is enabled and must be reset before it can drive. * Battery Status: This shows the battery state as percentage in a tooltip, and changes icon when plugged in. * Robot Mileage in metres

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