Human Trajectory

This is a ROS package that extracts human poses information from people tracker and stitches each pose for each human together. This package can be run online by subscribing to /people_tracker/positions or offline by retrieving human poses from either perception_people collection or people_trajectory collection.

Run this package by typing

roslaunch human_trajectory human_trajectory.launch

The online stitching provides both mini batch trajectories messages where trajectories are split into chunked and complete batch trajectories which only publishes complete trajectory messages when the persons are not detected anymore.


  • with_logging_manager: the option (true/false) to subscribe to logging manager and get permission to store obtained data
  • path_visualisation: the option to visualise each detected trajectory in rviz using Path. However, it only works for online construction.
  • online_construction: the option (true/false) to stitch human poses online from other packages (bayes_people_tracker) or offline from perception_people or people_trajectory collection in mongodb.
  • tracker_topic: the name of the people tracker topic, default is /people_tracker/positions
  • logging_manager_topic: the name of the logging manager topic, default is /logging_manager/log_stamped


The offline retrieval limits the number of trajectories obtained from mongodb to 10000 trajectories. To work around the limitation, OfflineTrajectories class provides a query that can be passed to mongodb to obtain specific trajectories.

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