Observation registration services

This package defines a number of service messages, which should be included by the packages using observation/additional view registration (thus avoiding a dependency on the registration packages, which in turn depend on CUDA).


string source_observation_xml
string target_observation_xml
geometry_msgs/Transform transform
int32 total_correspondences

This service returns the 3D transformation aligning the source observation to the target observation (i.e. source * transform = target). The number of correspondences in total_correspondences gives an indication of the quality of the registration (specifically, if total_correspondences = 0 the registration has failed).


string observation_xml # can be blank
string object_xml
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_view_transforms
int32[] additional_view_correspondences
geometry_msgs/Transform observation_transform
int32 observation_correspondences

This service registers the additional views acquired for a specific object a) with respect to each other and b) with an observation. The inputs to this service are the object_xml file, pointing to the object containing the additional views to be registered. The object is loaded from the disk using the metaroom_xml_parser. The second parameter is the observation_xml previously acquired using the strands_3d_mapping pipeline. If this parameters is not blank, the additional views of the object will also be registered to the observation intermediate clouds. The underlying registration is done using siftgpu and the CERES optimization engine.

The registered poses of the object additional views are recorded in the vector additional_view_transforms, while the number of correspondences used per view are stored in additional_view_correspondences. Similarly, the transform that aligns the views to the observation is stored in observation_transform and the number of correspondences used to computed it in observation_correspondences.


string observation_xml # can be blank
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2[] additional_views
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_views_odometry_transforms
geometry_msgs/Transform[] additional_view_transforms
int32[] additional_view_correspondences
geometry_msgs/Transform observation_transform
int32 observation_correspondences

This service can be used for the same purpose as the previous one. The difference is that, instead of passing an object_xml file, one can pass a number of additional_view (in the form of point clouds), and, optionally (though strongly advised), odometry poses for the additional views, which the optimizer will use as initial guesses for the additional view poses.

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/strands_3d_mapping/blob/hydro-devel/observation_registration/observation_registration_services/README.md