Can be run as python standalone, as well as a ROS server is provided with an example client.

Notes for users

  1. Running it as python standalone Just run the example.py in the $STRANDS_QSR_LIB/qsr_lib/scripts/standalone

  2. Running it via ROS

    $ rosrun qsr_lib qsrlib_ros_server.py

example client:

$ rosrun qsr_lib example_ros_client.py

see qsrlib_ros_client.py for more details


QTC descirbes the movement of 2 agents in 2d space. The implemented version is described in [1,2]. Both agents need to have their x,y coordinates described for at least two timesteps. Please see qsr_lib/share/qtc_data or the example_ros_client.py for a very short example.

To run the ros example client uisng qtc:

rosrun qsr_lib example_ros_client.py <qtc-varaient>

This has a few options

  • Mendatory:
  • <qtc-varaient>: Can be either qtcb, qtcc, or qtcbc. Please refer to [1,2] for additional infromation about the variants
  • Optional:
  • -h|--help: to display usage information
  • -i|--input FILE: read x,y coordinates from a csv file. See qsr_lib/share/qtc_data/qtc_example.csv
  • --quantisation_factor FLOAT: Determines the minimum distance one of the agents have to diverge from the double cross to be counted as movement. Please refer to [1] to read more about smoothing and quantisation of QTC.
  • --validate: Creates a QTC representation that is valid according to the CND [3]
  • --no_collapse: Does not collapse similar adjacent states as it the default in QTC since it does not represent discrete time but a sequence of states
  • --distance_threshold: Sets a threshold distance for the transition from QTCB to QTCC and vice-versa. Only for QTCBC [2].

To create a valid QTCC state chain with a quantisation factor of 1 (in the same unit as x,y) one would run:

rosrun qsr_lib example_ros_client.py qtcc --validate --quantisation_factor 1 -i my_file.csv

To create a QTCB state for each transition from one timestep to the other without validating them, one would run:

rosrun qsr_lib example_ros_client.py qtcb -i my_file.csv --no_collapse

To create a QTCBC state chain, one would run:

rosrun qsr_lib example_ros_client.py qtcbc -i my_file.csv --distance_threshold 1.5 --validate

Notes for QSR developers

You need to change two files:

  1. Make a copy of $STRANDS_QSR_LIB/qsr_lib/scripts/standalone/makers/maker_qsr_rcc3_rectangle_bounding_boxes_2d.py rename it to something suitable (preferably keepung maker_qsr prefix) and edit that file.

Change the 3 attribute variables: - self.qsr_type : is a string - self.required_fields : list of strings, what type and order of input data the QSR requires - self.all_possible_relations : list of string, what QSRs it provides

Change the method: - make : see in the code for where to start and finish your code

Optionally change the following also: - custom_help - custom_checks

  1. Edit qsrlib.py in $STRANDS_QSR_LIB/qsr_lib/scripts/standalone/
  1. import your new QSR class
  2. Append to the dictionary (self.__const_qsrs_available) of the QSRlib class an appropriate entry for your new QSR using as key the same string you have assigned to YOUR_QSR_CLASS.qsr_type and as value the class name WITHOUT parentheses in the end

That’s it! For any trouble preferably a ticket via the github system or alternatively if you are unable to do so contact me directly in the email address y.gatsoulis@leeds.ac.uk

Cheers! Yianni

[1] Christian Dondrup, Nicola Bellotto, and Marc Hanheide. “A probabilistic model of human-robot spatial interaction using a qualitative trajectory calculus.” 2014 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. 2014.

[2] Christian Dondrup, Nicola Bellotto, and Marc Hanheide. “Social distance augmented qualitative trajectory calculus for Human-Robot Spatial Interaction.” Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2014 RO-MAN: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2014.

[3] Matthias Delafontaine. “Modelling and analysing moving objects and travelling subjects: Bridging theory and practice”. Diss. Ghent University, 2011.

Original page: https://github.com/strands-project/strands_qsr_lib/blob/master/qsr_lib/README.md